The Effect of COVID-19 On the Pool Industry Pt: 2

What to Expect In the Future and Alternatives in Pool Care

Last month, Liquidus Pool Services looked into the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the pool industry. We explored how COVID-19 has caused prices to rise throughout the pool industry due to:

  • Increased demand in new pools and pool repairs
  • Longer pool seasons
  • Increased safety standards 
  • Delayed shipment of parts
  • A rise in demand for chlorine
  • Delayed chlorine production due to Hurricane Laura

Many individuals are concerned with how the pool industry is going to change in the future due to these issues. The dedicated team of specialists here at Liquidus Pool Services has taken a deep look into the effects COVID-19 has had to bring you an outlook for the future of the pool industry and to discuss alternatives in pool care to help cut down costs.

Outlook for the Pool Industry 2021-2024

One of the biggest changes that the United States saw during the pandemic was an increase in people working from home. Because of all this increased time inside, many individuals decided to either change their home and move to a new area or update their existing home by adding special features such as a swimming pool.

Those who already owned a swimming pool, especially in Texas and other southern states, opened their pools sooner and closed them later. This increased the demand for pool repairs, pool services, and pool maintenance supplies such as chlorine. This rise in demand has also been felt by commercial businesses.

Hotels, apartment complexes, and gyms have seen more business as people have more time to travel. With the increase in remote work, more individuals are working from different locations or taking more vacations. 

Commercial businesses in the hospitality industry are trying to remain competitive by offering better services to protect their guests and by making their amenities, such as the swimming pool, more attractive for travelers. An increase in demand for new swimming pools has led to increased demand for both raw materials and labor. The result is a longer waiting period for consumers as the entire pool industry struggles to keep up. 

Increased Wait Time for New Pool Build or Pool Renovations

With more individuals investing in a new pool or renovating their older one, you can expect that the wait time for these projects is going to increase. Many pool companies are already starting to put customers on a waitlist as they desperately try to keep up with the demand while handling supply shortages.

From valves, pool pumps, heaters, PVC pipes, and even pavers for pool decks, manufacturers for these popular products, such as Pentair, are unable to keep up with demand, and it doesn’t look like the issue will disappear anytime soon.

Another issue pool companies are facing is a lack of skilled labor. A lot of pool companies are hiring aggressively but are unable to find the help they need.

While there is a lot of debate about what is causing the labor shortage, our team isn’t here to make any accusations. Instead, we want our clients to be aware that because of labor shortages, the time frame for completing pool projects or servicing your pool may be longer than you’re used to. 

Liquidus Pool Services Recommendation:

If you are hoping to have a new pool built by next summer, now is the time to start contacting your quality pool companies. Starting the process early gives you a much better chance of completing your pool project by the start of the pool season. 

Pool builders need plenty of time to design, plan, and get the materials needed to ensure that your pool looks its best. With shortages of equipment like pumps and filters, it takes longer to gather all the necessary parts. Allowing for more time will help ease the stress about whether your pool will be done in time.

How Can I Protect My Pool and My Wallet?

A lot of our clients are concerned about the rising cost of chlorine – and for good reason. Some major retail stores, such as Walmart and Leslie’s, are limiting how much chlorine individuals can purchase due to shortages. Even when an individual does get a hold of the chlorine they need, they often find that it costs more than it used to.

However, your pool care doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. Even with the rising prices, there are steps you can take to protect your pool and your wallet.

Here are some suggestions from the specialists at Liquidus Pool Services:

1. Make a Note of How Much Chlorine You Used Last Season

If you know how much chlorine you used to maintain your pool last year, you can try to purchase the entire amount you’ll need for next year before prices rise again. Whether this means you are buying a #25 bucket or two, #50 buckets, buying it now could help you save.

However, we strongly discourage overstocking on chlorine. Always get what you need and not more – this helps ease the strain on manufacturers and ensures that other pool owners can get the chlorine they need as well.

2. Get a Pool Inspection to Check the Condition of Your Pool Equipment

Yearly pool inspections are extremely important for the maintenance of your pool. Liquidus Pool Services can help check over your pool pump, filter, and other pool equipment to ensure that everything is running properly.

If we notice the beginning of an issue, we can go ahead and order/replace the part before it fails. This will help you avoid downtime for your pool and prevent your pool from having to close early due to a part being back-ordered. 

We can also clean and maintain your pool’s cartridge or DE  filter. This helps ensure that your pool system continues to circulate water efficiently and doesn’t allow algae build-up.

Use  Chlorine Alternatives to Sanitize your Pool

Reducing your pool’s reliance on chlorine tabs and shock treatments will go a long way in helping you cut down on maintenance costs as prices continue to rise. Here are some alternatives that our team recommends:

  1. Install a SaltChlorine Generator in your Pool 

There is a huge misconception that saltwater pools do not contain any chlorine, but this isn’t the case. While there is less chlorine present in the pool, the salt chlorine generator makes its own chlorine. This process is accomplished by converting the salt in the water to use chlorine for the pool. 

While not the cheapest option initially, a salt-chlorine generator can help you cut down on chlorine costs and monthly maintenance costs. This gives you a return on your investment in the long run.

  1. Use Borates to Inhibit Algae and Support Your Pool’s pH levels

Borates are making a comeback in the pool industry thanks to the intensive research and testing they have been under. Borates boost chlorine’s efficiency by helping maintain the pH level in your pool. Borates also have the added benefit of protecting your pool against algae, as algae have a hard time growing when borate is present in the pool.

  1. Consider Other Alternative Sanitizers 

There are other alternatives on the market that help lower your pool’s dependence on chlorine. Here is a quick list:

  • UV Sanitizers: Prevents living, single-celled and micro-celled organisms such as algae and harmful bacteria from reproducing .
  • Ozone Systems: Oxidizes and breaks down organic material to help protect your pool.
  • AOP System: Combines the power of ozone and UV to create Hydroxyls. Hydroxyls are an extremely powerful oxidizer of both organic and inorganic materials.

Liquidus Pool Services Is Your Best Resource for Pool Services and Industry Information in Texas

The team at Liquidus Pool Services is dedicated to serving our clients to the best of our ability. This means that we continue to keep up with the latest news and advancements in the pool industry. We take that knowledge to better our skills and ensure that we are putting our best foot forward in every project or maintenance service we take on.

Whether you are looking to have your pool cleaned to get it ready for the weekend, want a new pool installed for your home, or are looking to renovate an older pool, we have the solutions you need. Contact our team today for more information on our pool services or for more information about how the COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted the industry.

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