Taking Care of Your Pool After a Natural Disaster

In light of the severe storms that struck the DFW area in October 2019, many pool owners are dealing with damage and destruction to their pools. Full of debris, contaminated water, and broken pool equipment, pools can be unsafe to swim in after a natural disaster. With some tender love and care, you can help get your pool back into tip-top shape. Here are our expert tips on taking care of your pool after a natural disaster. 

Step 1: Clear Debris Out of Your Pool

From large tree limbs to lawn ornaments, there is no telling what the wind has thrown into your pool. Before checking your pool equipment or running the filter, clear the debris out of your pool by using a skimmer basket or pump trap. Do not use your pool’s vacuum; large debris can get trapped within the hose. Avoid entering the pool to retrieve any items by hand. Doing so can lead to injury or even illness from contaminated water and unseen debris at the bottom of the pool. 

Step 2: Inspect Your Pool’s Electrical Equipment

A pool that has been damaged after a natural disaster. Inspect your pool’s electrical equipment for any water damage. First, visually check to see if these items have been flooded or damaged. Next, completely dry off any wet equipment and then wait at least 24 hours before you attempt to turn these items on. This waiting period is to give your electrical components time to dry out and reduce the risk of causing a short in your system. 

If your equipment does not come on or is showing signs of not working properly, turn it off immediately. Call in a team of pool repair experts, such as the team at Liquidus Pool Services to help you identify the problem and provide a solution. 

Step 3: Return the Water Back to Its Appropriate Level

It is extremely vital that you do not completely drain your pool after a natural disaster. Doing so could run the risk of your pool popping up or floating out of the ground due to hydrostatic pressure from excess water trapped underneath. Instead, drain your pool’s water to the midline of the skimmer opening. This will give your skimmer enough room to properly clean out your pool’s water. 

Step 4: Rebalance Water’s Chemistry

First, test your pool’s water chemistry in order to get a better understanding of the state of the water. Next, depending on the results of your water test, perform either chlorine or non-chlorine shock. Remember, no one should be allowed in the pool for at least 48 hours after the shock. 

Once the shock is complete, run the pool’s filtration system until the water is clear. When the pool’s water is back to a balanced step, you can return to your normal maintenance schedule. 

Step 5: Perform a Thorough Visual Inspection

In severe storms, damage from debris impact can harm the decking, tiles, or the surface of your pool. Give your pool a look over and take note of any cracking or large splits. You must repair or renovate the damaged sections. Ignoring these damages can lead to further problems in the future, such as a pool leak or places for algae to grow.  

Your trusted team of pool specialists at Liquidus Pool Services can help you get your pool back into working order after a disaster. Our team is readily available for swimming pool disaster recovery. Contact us today for more information about our services and allow us to help you enjoy your pool again.